‘7th Annual National Juried Exhibition’
Trinity Art Show
October 14- November 5, 2023
Trinity Cathedral Gallery, 2620 Capitol Avenue, #200, Sacramento, CA

'Listen and You Will Hear'- acrylic and gold leaf on a natural Lightning Whelk seashell, custom wooden box with logo

'Listen and You Will Hear'-This collectible art shell celebrates both the power of nature and the revitalizing power of quiet stillness and reflective listening 9.5 x 5 x 4 inches

'Listen and You Will Hear'-A one-of-a-kind art piece inspired by the Japanese art of Kintsugi that repairs the broken with gold, celebrating the idea that it is more beautiful because of the journey.

'Never Too Late For Glory'- SOLD Acrylic and mixed metal foil on a natural Lightning Whelk sea shell, wooden box with logo

A-one-of-a-kind art piece inspired by the Japanese art of Kintsugi* This lightning whelk celebrates finding value in and embracing the whole journey. 5.5 x 4.5 x 3.5 inches

*Kintsugi – The Japanese Art of repairing broken things with gold. The brokenness is not hidden or glossed over, but rather embraced and highlighted, adding strength and value.